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Mindless, pointless, senseless, and utter madness, when my mind wanders this is where it goes.

Greetings to one and all! I am Th’ Madman and your host while you’re here. We’ll wander about a twisted road, seeing the unseen, hearing the unheard, and thinking the unthinkable. I don’t know where this will lead, so hang on and enjoy the ride!

-- Th' Madman 


Ravings of a Madman


Mindless Chatter


Favorite Quotes


Favorite Links

Who I am...

...is of little or no consequence. I am but a simple, humble madman. My own identity crises prevent me from presenting myself more accurately, though the doctors here assure me I am doing much better now. “Here” is where I am kept, in the largest sanitarium in the world; the Associated Medical Evaluation Research Institute and Clinical Asylum. I sneak away from the sight of the administrators and guards to create and maintain these pages. I don’t take this risk because I think what I have to say is so very important. I am simply compelled to express myself (I think there is a sort of connection between madness and expressing oneself, perhaps we will talk about that later). If you are at all curious about my age, so am I! I made a symbol once that gives a clue. That and knowing I am Aquarius (water-bearer, i.e. I have to go the bathroom a lot) narrows it down to within two weeks. That is as much about me as I get into. Everything else is up to your imagination.

I am not much of an expert in anything, so any thoughts, ideas, or suggestions are welcome. I can be reached at thmadman3@yahoo.com. And thank you all, for viewing my page. %-)

 -- Th’ Madman

“Words are not truth until they are perceived as truth. Until such a perception occurs, mine are but the ravings of a madman.”

I was just thinking...

May you live as if you'll never die --
-- laugh as if you've never cried
-- love as if you've never been hurt
-- and dance as if nobody's watching

(Old Irish Blessing)

People are considered insane for dancing by those who simply cannot hear the music.
-- George Carlin

Ravings of a Madman | Mindless Chatter | Favorite Quotes | Favorite Links

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Last modified: 3/15/06